Writing Product Descriptions that Sell
Published: April 3, 2019
Content writing is an art that shouldn’t be overlooked. Whether you are writing a blog post or an article about your company’s growth and struggle, you want the reader to be fully engaged, entertained, and informed. Pages and pages of nonsense fluff can leave your potential customers feeling uninformed and as if they have wasted their time.
The same applies to product descriptions. A product description must deliver a powerful impact, and be insightful, informative, and tantalizing at the same time. They need to appeal to many levels: emotional, financial, and value. A picture is a great visual, but the description that goes along with it can make all the difference in the world.
Below are a few tips to help you write engaging product descriptions that sell.

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Who Is Your Audience?
When writing product descriptions it’s important to keep in mind who you are writing to. Some key questions to ponder:
- How did they find you?
- Why are they interested in your store?
- What benefit are they looking for?
- What would they tell someone else about this product?
Answering these questions will help you know what areas to focus on when writing your product descriptions. This will help build rapport with your customers. For Instance, if you sell basketball shoes to seventeen-year-old high school athletes, you will use a different tone than if you were selling orthopedic shoes to nurses. And you’ll most likely focus more on style, maneuverability, and how that shoe will enhance their performance on the court, whereas, for the nurse’s shoe, you would want to assure them long hours of comfort for those extra-long shifts.
Know Your Product
If you are selling a product you don’t personally own (it’s impossible to own every product) then doing a little research will go a great distance when writing the description. Saying the lamp is blue is not enough. The description of the lamp should include height, weight, size and where will it best light the home. What are its uses? The more you know about the product, the more your description can educate your potential buyers about the benefits.
Tell a story
For those of us who remember the television show “Seinfeld”, we remember Elaine, one of the main characters, had a job writing product descriptions for the J Peterman catalog. I’m sure the above example was not written by the fictional character Elaine, however, the J Peterman catalog is a fantastic example of how this is done.
You may not have as much space to write such a lengthy and emotional tale as J Peterman, but telling a small story to go along with your product can put the buyer in a mental state where they already have it and are using it. Remember, emotions influence the buyer’s decision. Use this power wisely.
Be Conversational
Especially for the technical products, using industry jargon or robotic tones will put the buyer off or much worse, confuse them. The language should be conversational, like one friend talking to another. Also, you want to stay away from empty adjectives and unbelievable claims. You want to build trust with your customers. If they feel they are being tricked into buying your products, then that trust may be lost.
Focus on the Benefits
A great product description will convey to the potential buyer the exact benefits they will get out of the product. In the above example, I highlighted one simple sentence where the writer perfectly conveyed that this product contains Tea Tree and what benefits the user will get from Tea Tree specifically.
Use Power Words
There are certain words that will trigger an emotional response in the buyer. These words can convince your potential buyer to hop off the fence and buy your amazing product.
I just used one of the words in the above sentence. “Amazing” is just one of the 595 power words you can find on Jon Morrow’s list of power words. You can check out the list here.
Lastly, keep it simple, and easy to read, and always update your descriptions. You want to make sure your customers enjoy their shopping experience and get them excited about your products. Great product descriptions will do just that and more.
Feel free to contact us for creative and unique product description writing services.
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