Better Sleep, Better Work, Better Life—A Virtual Assistant Can Help
Published: January 11, 2021
As a business owner, have you ever said these things?
- I wish I could join you, but I still have more tasks to do.
- I wish I could be there, but I still have some engagements to honor.
- I wish I could have fun with everyone, but I still have some data to manage.
- I wish I could…but I still have…

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- Core Business tasks
- Decision Making
- Overseeing
- Meetings with clients/investors
- Schedule and events management
- E-mail, chat, and communication management
- Social media management
- Data entry, management, and presentation
- Online research
- Customer support
- Content writing
- Bookkeeping
- Web development design
- Inbound marketing
- Graphic design
Imagine having all these tasks written in your organizer. These tasks need to be done, but it stops you from doing other things. Thus, the dialogue follows: “I wish I could…but I still have…”
Do you think 24 hours is long enough? Or maybe a week?
You might say, “Well, there goes my sleep.” You are not alone.
A study of 384 business leaders showed that 1 out of 4 is having trouble finding sleep because of work-related anxieties (in other words, a long list of unfinished tasks). You might feel that you are one of them.
Sacrificing sleep may seem to be a necessary trade-off, but not until our body starts to charge us from all the sleep-debt we have. The same article shows that a lack of sleep decreases productivity and performance. And it mainly affects one’s judgement, a critical quality of a good leader. Another article that focuses on improving businesses mentioned that designing and developing business strategies is one of the most important roles of a business leader. It requires a thorough study and analysis of industry trends. Furthermore, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the business, developing, and designing plans to highlight business strengths and improve weaknesses. And it doesn’t stop here. After a business strategy is developed, a leader must determine how to execute it, set a reasonable deadline and goal, oversee the implementation of the strategy, re-evaluate the results, and improve or create a new one. It’s a continuous process if one desires to scale up.
Now, how does one do all of this if their mind is not in the best condition?
And it doesn’t end there. As mentioned earlier, these tasks need to be done. But you still need to have a life. Yes, having too much to handle, affects our “work” and “life”. Or commonly called the work-life balance.
So, if you should neither sacrifice your sleep nor your life (definitely should not be sacrificed for work), then what can you do?
Let’s go back to the list of tasks. Now, imagine this:
- Core Business tasks
- Decision Making
- Overseeing
- Meetings with clients/investors
- Schedule and events management
E-mail, chat, and communication managementSocial media managementData entry, management, and presentationOnline researchCustomer supportContent writingBookkeepingWeb development designInbound marketingGraphic design
Crossing out 10 activities, leaving you with the focus on the core tasks of your business, which is designing and developing business strategies and decision making. Will it make a difference? Definitely! With good restorative sleep, you have your mind in the best condition. It only means that you are in a position to make a business strategy to scale up and make a bigger impact. And you have more time for your life.
How can you cross out all those tasks?
A good leader knows how to delegate. Especially tasks that are considered non-core, like the ones crossed out above. These are still important tasks but can be entrusted to others. To whom? Virtual Assistants. Why? Sometimes, these repetitive tasks take more time than making a critical decision for a business. Where can you get a reliable one? TeleworkPH is fully equipped to provide you with a cost-effective solution—a highly competent, dedicated, virtual assistant to help you with your tasks.
Delegate your tasks to a virtual assistant and get a good night’s sleep. And the next time someone invites you for fun, your dialogue will change from “I wish I could…but I still have…” to “I can…and I will…”